The Pomonal Orchard

Pomonal Vic 3381

About The Pomonal Orchard

The Pomonal Orchard, once Harrisons Orchard continues to provide a variety of fruit to locals and tourists. Al Stephens & Rachel Whittaker, purchased the over sixty year old “Harrisons Orchard” in 2018 and continue the legacy of fruit growing in the region. The ‘Orchard’, now chemical free, continues to produce a variety of apples, plums, pears and cherries.

Reasons to buy fruit from the Pomonal Orchard
Al and Rachel’s philosophy is to provide locally grown, chemical free and in season fruit. Chemical free means the fruit looks natural and tastes better, selling locally is all about low food miles and selling seasonally is picking the fruit ripe and not storing it for long periods of time.

Where to purchase their locally grown fruits.
Available for purchase, when in season at the Local General Store in Pomonal, Pomonal Village Market, Moyston Market, Stawell Show Market and Halls Gap Market.

To find out where The Pomonal Orchard will be next, follow them on Instagram.